Welcome To Infinite Hope International

We are an international non-profit organization that focuses on assisting neglected individuals, families, and vulnerable populations by providing socio-economic, spiritual, and emotional support to meet their specific needs.

Who We Are

Infinite Hope International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving homeless individuals and those who are at risk of becoming homeless. The organization also works with partners in developing safe facilities as well as expanding solutions for preventing and ending homelessness.

Infinite Hope International exclusively links homeless individuals or those who are at a high risk of becoming homeless with their families. We have tailored our settlement models and way of operation including our services to meet the distinct and complex needs of the population that we serve.

Our purpose is to meet the critical needs of the homeless and help them move beyond homelessness. Consequently, we take a holistic approach by coming up with a set of integrated services including mental health services, case management, addiction counseling, and family reunion programs among other related services.

Through our specialized programming approaches, we are able to address the differing needs of homeless individuals.

Infinite Hope International defines homelessness as a situation that is characterized by a lack of a fixed permanent residence. This includes people who reside on the streets, in parks, under bridges, and in abandoned buildings.

Infinite Hope International work hard and collaborate with other like-minded organizations to ensure that homeless people have a place they can call home.

We build strategic relationships with like-minded organizations (both governmental and non-governmental), communities, and the wider public to not only increase the understanding and empathy of homelessness but also advocate for policy change.

"When God Blesses You Financially, Don't Raise Your Standards Of Living.
Raise Your Standard of GIVING"

You Can Make A Difference

"When God Blesses You Financially, Don't Raise Your Standards Of Living.
Raise Your Standard of GIVING"

What People Are Saying About Us!

"I will forever be grateful for the support that Infinite Hope gave me. After losing my job as a waitress in a local restaurant in Maryland. I had no one to run to for help especially from the fact that I am an immigrant from Kenya. I was provided with short-term accommodation and other basic needs. I found a new job and will always appreciate your efforts. "
- Peter Kiwanuka
"I came to the United States full of hope that I was going to achieve my ‘American Dream’ however, somewhere along the line I was retrenched, became bankrupt, and was at risk of becoming homeless. Thank God… I was referred to Francis from Infinite Hope International who helped me relocate back to my home country and start a new life. You guys are the best."
- Maurine Isinya
"Infinite hope International played an influential role in settling one of my relatives who had gone abroad (America) but encountered unconducive working environment that led to job loss. Consequently, he became depressed, alcoholic, and was on the verge of becoming homeless. However, Mr. Hiram from infinite hope came to his rescue. He relocated back to Kenya and is now working with a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)."
- John Kiarie